Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome back, me.

Hello, loyal followers.
For the past month, I suspect you have been sitting at home, scratching your peach fuzz, wondering just where the hell I've been.

Because I'm a college student, my place of residence of subject to change on a fairly regular basis. When break rolls around every year, we all get kicked off campus and sent to wherever the hell we can find food and booze. College students love booze. I mean. I don't drink, officer.

Anyway, I've been living somewhat on the lam for the past few weeks. "On the lam from what?" you might ask. The answer is that I've been relocating about once a week in an attempt to avoid the crippling boredom that creeps up and sneak attacks whenever I don't have any papers to write or exams to study for.

I've been in Saranac Lake, which is beautiful but also located in upstate New York. Thus, it is tops of my list of Places To Aim My Destruction Lasers When I Take Over The World. While there, I tried snowboarding for the first time since I was an innocent (?) and energetic (?) child. EPIC FAIL, ladies and gentlemen. I've made it my personal mission to furthermore avoid winter sports at all cost. I would, however, take first place in the "Hiding From The Snow Under Thirteen Blankets" competition.

I didn't stop travelling after Saranac. I watched a drunk firespinner hone his craft in Rhode Island, experienced the striking pretentiousity (I made that word up. If you use it, you owe me a quarter.) of the upper-middle class white protestant area of Connecticut, and watched my first ever James Bond flick. I considered leaving the piercing industry to become an English spy who sleeps with ungodly amounts of attractive women, but I just love you guys too damn much to go anywhere.

So I'm back, at least until the next time Connecticut College decided to make its students homeless and bored.

If you're in the area, come by Tiki and see me. I'm back in the swing of things, baby.

...Okay, that was just creepy.

If you come to San Francisco,


1 comment:

Riordan said...

Winter sports are awful. Despite being a Minnesotan, I'm not, nor have I ever been, a fan of winter, or its sports. The blanket competition sounds pretty amazing though.